I was tagged

Paula at Desert Dwellers in my side bar has tagged me in a little blog game.

As for the tag, here are the rules:

Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So here are my seven random facts about myself...

1)I am Canadian and hate hockey.
2)I love the smell of the first raindrops hitting hot cement or pavement.
3)I failed math in grade 12 and went on to be an accountant.
4)I have climbed a glacier and a mountain.
5)I love to canoe down rivers, not on lakes.
6)I am a certified scuba diver through NAUI
7)I currently own 5 different vehicles.

OK lets try these people (I hope they haven't already been tagged!)

Ashley, LeleMora, Nancy, Lori, Dreamweaver, Kristen, Becky

Have fun ladies :)

Really just trying to get my mind off of my Mom.


Anonymous said…
I've already been tagged on this one but loved reading your answers :)
Stay strong re your mum. I'm thinking of you.
xxx Lynn

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