Daycare Christmas Party

The daycare Christmas Party that my DS attends was held last night. DH did not make it in to attend, so I had both kids with me there alone. DS all of a sudden decided to become glue to my leg, and DD was not that much better. During crafts DS was Mommy you do it. We did a gingerbread family, a spiderweb, a bonboncup, and a star ornament, and and and SANTA came for a visit. After waiting in the line, DS is Mom I am hungry, so another kid hands him a chocolate cookie, he sees Santa is handing out oranges, so says he doesn't want the cookie. So it get thrown in the garbage, and he gets an orange instead. Got to love those good eating habits. LOL. And when it was time to go on Santa's knee, he is hiding behind my legs saying he is scared. So I pick him up and dump him on Santa's lap. He then proceeds to have a very thorough conversation with Santa. He wants his white train with multi colorered polka dots, he would like more chocolate cause his sister ate all of his (advent calendar), and he does NOT want soup. Santa can give the soup to other boys that like it cause he doesn't. Every parent in hearing distance was trying not to kill themselves laughing. Then DD sits up there and poses like a pro. To bad I forgot the memory card at home.
There was a bake sale held. I am not much of a cook, and less of a baker. But I found a recipe for oreo balls. With the help of DD and DS, and nancyroo and kacomi, they actually turned out pretty good, I got four plate fulls out of the recipe. It went from the kids saying they tasted horrible to them actually likeing them. They wanted to be the ones to buy them back at the fundraiser. However by the time I got there to pick up Austin all four plates had already sold. I hope whoever bought them enjoys them. DD bought cupcakes, and DS bought donuts, they were in their glory there just is never that stuff in my house.
DD had her parent teacher interviews last night as well. I went to that alone too. She seems to be well liked by her teachers. They say she takes great care in her work (this was an issue last year with her rushing), she is far above grade level, and just needs to expand on things, because she can...not because it is required yet at this point in grade two. The issue with co-operation is more in how she words things, answers and replys to things. She needs to think about how things sound before she says them out loud. She comes by that honestly because I am 40 and still am learning that. LOL. The gym issue, she does say a lot that her throat burns in activity it could be her asthma showing up....however the teacher did say that it never happens during activity she enjoys just in activities she doesn't. LOL. Not to sure what to think of that.
Austin is also doing numbers very well counting, adding, subtracting, but to get him to do the alphabet or print is a struggle in futality. I hope to spend more time with him over Christmas concentrating on it.
My work closes from the 21 till January 2nd. We have time off. Daycare is closed and school is closed. I hope to get ALexis room painted and her new bed set up. HOPE is the word here. I would love to get a scrap space set up downstairs too. Not so sure that is going to happen no matter how much I want it too.
Cuddlekid dies i found some in stock at scrapbookexpress. Not the fairy alpha I wanted or the girlie dies, but some I know DD will enjoy. I would also love to find the binder to hold them.
I had a thought to get DH a cable box for the basement, but they were on sale a month ago so we got it then. I had the idea to get DH a WII Guitar Hero, but they are all sold out and will not be in till February, I found two on for get this $299.00, can you say NOT going to happen. I have no clue on him, and time is fast running out.


Broken Beth said…
Man I totally want guitar hero!
Really funny about your son, sounds like a fun time with santa!
Cassandra said…
The Soup and Santa story had me laughing! Sounds like you had a great little party. I had oreo balls the other night at our PTA meeting!

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