Freakin Fridays.......

These are my freakin fridays.........

1) dogs in the beds of pickup trucks can I say MISSILE
2) slow service
3) that kids puke makes me want to puke too
4) dogs on steering wheels or hanging out the window can I say MISSILE
5) not using signal lights
6) cellphones
8) going to an all you can eat place and never getting the refill and leaving hungry
9) having daughter puke up the meal that she ate
10) non-existant service
11) brown, grey, yucky landscape, give me some green
12) potholes
13) snow mould
14) Mark not driving
15) my alarm clock not waking me up at 7 even though she was up playing at 5
16) me relying on a six year to wake me up
17) people that use message boards as therapy get a counseller
18) my fear of dentists
19) the lack of justice in the real world
20) the trend in TV dramas to show the non-existance of justice


Anonymous said…
#17 LMAO pot meet kettle

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