
Seeing my Mom unable to easily stand, or sit or move is hard.  Seeing my Moms mind fade away in front of me is even harder.
Visiting Lilly in the Manor House last Mothers Day was scary. Looking around seeing seniors unable to move, tied into chairs, flopping around, drooling, no abilities left. Terrified me.
I've thought about that a few times over the last year but this week I've fixated on it.
I don't want to grow old, I don't want to become incapacitated, I don't wht to become feeble.  I don't want to be a strong mind in a weak body. I don't want my mind to slowly discintigrate from within.
Living currently with a injured brain, living in pain, living with reduced mobility, I don't see me having a promising future.  That scares me.  How to live life today? How to fully experience life?


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