Laughter from the heavens

I loved being pregnant.  I absolutely revelled in it.  I might not have glowed but I certainly thrived on it.  Myles and I never wanted to know the sex of the baby.  It was just getting popular to know, but we wanted the surprise.

 The ultrasound tech always told me she wouldn't be able to tell us even if we wanted to know as the babies were shy.   Not sure if it was true or not but it made our decision much easier.  But so many people wanted to know. It was like it was their right.  We always laughed and said it didn't matter to us as long as the baby was healthy. We must have said that hundreds of times. As long as the baby is healthy.  We never stopped to consider what if the baby wasn't healthy. Never even considered it.

Now 13 years later baby #1 has a genetic sudden death syndrome called long qt.  an electrical default in the heart which can cause sudden death.

Baby #2 has autism. He had the diagnosis aspergers but that was eliminated by the pros so now he has autism.  His mind just doesn't have the same wiring as others, it never will. He is the gold coin mixed in with the silver.  The one that stands out in a non outstanding way.

It doesn't matter what we want.  Because we don't get it.

We have our two babies that mean the world to me.  I wouldn't trade them for anything.


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