Weird things revisited.

A month after my SCA I was back in the hospital in the same ward after having collapsed from my ICD blood infection.  I even met the nurse that was my nurse the day I had my SCA. She was a young student nurse.  
On the day of my SCA she spoke to me at 7:10 am. She did her morning checks on me, and I told her I was going back to sleep for awhile. I'm so not a morning person.   She said she had an overwhelming urge to go back into my room at 7:20 am.  Which is when she found me blue, with no heart beat, no breathing, no pulse.  She thought I was dead.  She jumped on me and started CPR.  
It was hard to hear that story one month later when once again I was there because of the complications from my ICD surgery and critically ill.   
Weird things: 
1) the only reason I was on that ward after my kidney stone surgery is because the hospital was at capacity in other basic wards.  I'd spent days in the ER prior to my surgery because there were no beds. What would have happened if I'd been on a different ward? 
2) What was that overwhelming urge she felt to go back in my room? 
3) She was a student nurse. The night of my SCA she goes home and her fiancé hands her her papers giving her her nursing degree.  She said as much as she'd focused on getting that, it was really rendered unimportant in the fact of having possibly saved a life.
Shelley I hope to meet you again another day under much better circumstances.


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