
People that don't experience chronic pain are not able to understand what it is like.  They may be able to sympathize but they just don't know.

24/7/365 days a year my S-ICD site hurts.  That sounds like a pretty tame statement but it's pretty wild when you think about it.  Not an hour, not a minute, not a second goes by that I'm not in pain.

The level of pain can vary. The intensity varies. The strangle your breathe and take it all away changes.

Today was one of those days where tears ran freely down my cheeks. I told a friend I wanted to find the biggest sharpest, knife I could and cut it out. I'm scared one day I actually could.  It bothers me that much.

Yet as much as it hurt it felt marginally better having as much pressure applied to it as I could with my arm.  I'd like to know why?


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