Things I love to hear:

1) Mom I have something to tell you (don't know why he says it he just always does)

2) Mom you're the best.

3) Mom, I love you.

4) Mom I had the bestest day.

5) That was so much fun.

It makes me feel so good to hear those things.

Things that I could do without hearing:

1) Mom, did you hear that? It was a fart. followed by hysterical giggles

2) Mom, I don't like you. (Generally followed by an I love you)

3) Mom Mom Mom (Generally never followed by anything)

4) Mom, where is _____________________ (fill in the blank)

5) I not going to do it, and you can make me. (This is actually kind of funny)

Weird things I hear:

1) snoggy day - kind low cloud cover, foggy misty etc.

2) shrinkles - after bath time what happens to your skin

3) icing on the van - this is frost as it is being scraped

4) I want that (said after every single commercial)

5) Mom was that golf (this kid loves golf)


Anonymous said…
I love when Emy tells me that I'm the bestest mom in the whole world, even if she says mean things to me, she still loves me forever.

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