Amnesia And. brain injury

amnesia (æmˈniːzjə; -ʒjə; -zɪə)
1. (Medicine) a defect in memory, esp one resulting from pathological cause, such as brain damage or hysteria

Progression of Anoxic Brain Damage  
Copyright © Nucleus Medical Media, Inc.


Anoxic brain damage is injury to the brain due to a lack of oxygen. Hypoxia is the term to describe low oxygen. Brain cells without enough oxygen will begin to die after about four minutes.

I haven't been diagnosed with either. In fact I can't get any medical people to do anything or say anything about this.
After my SCA we knew my brain was fuzzy, things like not knowing pizza existed, or knowing about friendships, or friends dieing. But overall it was reasonable.
But after my near fatal collapse from the blood infection I had huge chunks missing.  Significant portions of time. Significant events had disappeared from my memory.
None of this has to do with expected short term injury.  It's beyond that.  The only help I've received from my doctors is being told what I'll get back in two years is what I'll get back.   If you call that help.


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