Infinity - Mom

DS wakes me up in the middle of the night one night this week.

Mom what number is infinity?

Me sleepy sleepy sleepy, whattttt?

Mom what number is infinity?

I am it means it goes on foreever.

yes Mom but what number is it.

So I tell him that if he sits downs and starts writing numbers and never ever quits that that is infinity. Go back to bed sweetie.

So what 5 year old wakes up in the middle of the night wondering about infinity?

Next morning we are on our way out the door. He says Mom how do you get money at work. I say they pay me to work. But how do you get the money mommy? Well I work and then they put the money in my bank account. He says in total serious voice, they shouldn't do that mommy, they should take money out of the register to give to you. THat is where money comes from. Too Funny.


Yankee said…
LOL! Love how his brain works.

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