Flash back to blood draws

The needle sticker dudes attitudes killed me in hospital.  I had no veins, none at all. 
Yet the needle stickers were "it's just a little prick". OMG. 
No it isn't "just a little prick". 
You will try three times. Then in ten minutes someone else will try three times then ten minutes after that someone else will try three times. Do that every single blood draw that was scheduled every three hours, day in and day out. 
It's "NOT JUST A LITTLE PRICK). It's 72 little pricks ... 72. 
And the sly comments 
"oh if it was that bad you would have a Picc line". 
"It's not really that bad".
 I knew what needed to be done, where it needed to be done, and what it needed to be done with. But what did I know, I was JUST the patient.
I couldn't have a Picc line due to infection. I blew out IVs and central lines. I had anesthesiologists come and try to find veins with ultrasounds. I had my feet used. It was traumatic.
Even going to get a blood draw now is traumatic.


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