Monday Mayham

Kids off to school today, one of the few mornings DS didn't put me through the wringer getting ready to go.

Tony won the NASCAR race yesterday, woohoo, and Mark is still leading in points.

Girl Guides went camping Friday night, and Saturday night. Very cool weather around 2 degrees celcius, which is about 35 F. Although it didn't snow on me at home, it did snow saturday night on the girls. They moved from the tents into the eating building and slept in there. She loved it though.

I am seriously trying to cut out TV, I have eliminated all the CSI shows, the Law and order shows. I am trying to not even have a tv turned on.

Some are creeping in on me though. Dexter is riviting for me, I love the vigilante in it. Biggest Loser is still motivational for me. Then there is SUrvivor, and the same night in Flash Forward. I still like Flashpoint as well. Although I thought it was cancelled. Saturday nights are still Americas Most Wanted. If I am what I watch I must be one weird fat person. LOL.


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