School is almost out:

I loved looking through her learning journal, her art journal, and her writing journal last night.

Seeing how far she has come in a year, and seeing what she has done all year long. It was absolutely amazing to see, I am so glad the school does the journals and sends them home. I do not remember that from when I was a kid.

Her page on dreams: I want to be a vetrinarian when I grow up (this I knew) and then she had added and be very very rich and live in a castle and marry a prince. LOL

Her favorite field trip of all: was a lunch out to an Indian Restaurant, which surprised me as she hates spicy food at home.

I was just so happy sharing her memories with her last night, hearing her read her stories, and giggle, see her work.

Hard to believe that grade three is done tomorrow, report cards are picked up on the 30th.


Paula... said…
We've just hit mid year break here - nothing like spending 2 weeks indoors with the kids because it's cold and wet outside :-P

Hmmm might have to make a few trips to cinemas etc.

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