Hepatitis A - what are the chances?

On our return from Great Falls, we stopped in Lethbridge for a night.  DS wanted McDonalds, (he always wants McDonalds), so he had his McDonalds and the DH, DD and I had Wok Box.

Friday night DH comes home and asks me if I heard about the Hep A scare and a Mcdonalds in Lethbridge???  Ummm NO!

So off we go googling, since we do not know Lethbridge well, we were not sure what McDonalds we had been at, or which McDonalds was the one in question.  The press said to call Health Link.  So I called health link,  found the actual McDonalds site, in the meantime DH and I figured out which McDonalds we had eaten at.  And you guessed it, it was the one that was contaminated.  What are the chances?  Health link highly recommended me driving to Calgary or Lethbridge the next day for the vacination.  That is a whole day for me.  But I was willing to do it for DS.  His health is to precarious at the best of times.  I gave health link all the info and left it at that.  Then an hour later they call back, our city is holding a clinic on Saturday I can get DS vaccinated at it.  Poor little guy was so overwhelmed at the thought.
So Saturday I sit in the health clinic for an hour waiting our turn for the vaccination with a little one crying he didn't want it.  One of our cities soccer teams were there too, as they had eaten there after provinical tournament.

So DS is vacinatied one dose, needs another in six-12 months.  I was able to get into the clinic yesterday for my Hep A vaccination and found out my tetanus was expired and needed it too.  DH and DD were able to get in last night too.  So we are good to go for 6-12 months.  I have diarized it in my daytimers.  

I just hope that none of us actually come down with Hep A, as the vaccination is not fullproof!  What are the chances?


Cheyenne said…
What a horrible situation. You can't be too careful these days and it shouldn't be that way.

Yes, Tony won the race! I was hoping he would because nobody else up front was worth a hoot to win it, except Tony. Yay!
Nilsa said…
I could imagine the scare. Glad you were able to get vaccinated.

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