Musings today

***why am I so tired

****why am I still bleeding

**** will my mouth ever heal

**** why is sleep so elusive

**** why do I have such a hard time accepting the positives

**** why do I always seem to focus on the negatives

**** will I ever be as confident inside as people view me

***will Ruthann think my fat arms in the tank top are hideous

*** I am wearing a tank top in texas regardless

*** so unfocused

***why can't I concentrate

***why do I yell so much

*** why am I depressed

**** when will the pain go away

****why do bad things happen to good people

**** is hell really earth

**** will the rain stop

**** will the flood happen

**** just musings

****as I said my mind is very disoriented and all over the place

****best wishes to the schmidt family and their daughter

****Cheyenne I hope your hubby is better

****Lori I hope you Paw paw does not suffer

**** worry is with me constantly

***** how does a person not worry?


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