Fathers Day Weekend

This is what I am currently listening too. Quite the album.

DS did this certificate at daycare for Daddy too. IT is so glittery and made me smile.

DD brought this home from school for DH for Fathers Day. It made me smile and laugh, it is so stinkin cute.

Currently what I am watching:

Blood Diamond - so totally not what I expected but a good movie

Chronicles and Riddick and the precurser to it - gotta get my Vin

Are We There Yet - My kids are no where near as bad as those two

Night at the Museum - Totally Funny

A movie and nap weekend.

Fathers Day is for Dad's, but it is for kids too. Never once in my entire life have I got to participate in a Fathers Day item, celebration, or anything of the kind. It is so bitter.

I forced my DH to go in with me and the kids and get a walmart package done of the family. He hates it but I make him go. We didn't do it for Mothers Day as is tradition cause I was to sick, so I insisted on Fathers Day. His races were rained out anyway.


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