May 31 Pictures

My 1985 two tone blue coupe Corvette. I bought it 10 years ago, hard to believe I have had it ten years. I bought it as a graduation present to myself for completeing my CMA. Back when I thought I had the world by the tail. Love my car. In 1998 when I first started taking it to car shows and cruise ins I got the dirtiest looks, now it is a car that gets some of the most looks. Last night I think there were over 8 corvettes at the cruise in, and many more driving by. Maybe I started something way back when.

My apple tree in the backyard, I was scared last week that the snow was going to hurt it. I was out early in the morning in my housecoat with the broom knocking snow off of it. We only lost one small branch. Now it is in full bloom and smells so pretty.

My and my two kiddies. Jennifer H wanted a picture of mom and kids and I couldn't find one of the three of us together. So Daddy snapped this one last night.

DD in all her goofiness. It was wacky hair day at school so once the tails were taken out it is stickin up all over. She is in her jammies playing in the back yard. Still no sign of those top teeth coming in.

DS in his smurkiness. What a kid. To get him still long enough to even snap a picture is a miracle.