
Showing posts from June, 2007

Tag I'm it thanks Nancy

I've been tagged! This time by Nancy, I have not been tagged in ages! I am supposed to post 7 random facts about myself. Then I am supposed to tag 7 people. Here they are: 1- I am really very shy . 2- I hate drawing attention to myself 3- I love the water, being in it on it or under it. 4- I am proud to be a Canadian. 5- I right now I don't have half my teeth. 6- I would travel everywhere in the world if I could. 7- My favorite desert is not chocolate it is lemon merangie pie. So, now I am tagging, Leslie (lesfitz), DTC, cheyanne, Auntie Cathie, Lilly, Mindy, Christy!

Musings today

***why am I so tired ****why am I still bleeding **** will my mouth ever heal **** why is sleep so elusive **** why do I have such a hard time accepting the positives **** why do I always seem to focus on the negatives **** will I ever be as confident inside as people view me ***will Ruthann think my fat arms in the tank top are hideous *** I am wearing a tank top in texas regardless *** so unfocused ***why can't I concentrate ***why do I yell so much *** why am I depressed **** when will the pain go away ****why do bad things happen to good people **** is hell really earth **** will the rain stop **** will the flood happen **** just musings ****as I said my mind is very disoriented and all over the place ****best wishes to the schmidt family and their daughter ****Cheyenne I hope your hubby is better ****Lori I hope you Paw paw does not suffer **** worry is with me constantly ***** how does a person not worry?

This touched my heart

it is really touching. I absolutely cannot get the link to show up. SO if you have the time copy and past the URL, it is really worth watching.

Cannot recover pics

And for those of you that recommended PC Inspector for my lost pictures, it will not read my camera as a logical device, and I don't have a card reader to have it recognize. A friend has offered to try to restore if I send it, and bail out my arse from the fire. I hope.

Boy time flys fast

Randoms going on: Busy booking a cruise for Mom, Me and DD to go to Alaska in August. So excited about it. Busy looking forward to Texas in August. Still not feeling very well physically. SO tired. DS is acting up every morning when it is time to go to daycare. DD is almost done school. Grade one is almost finished. She loses not only her principal but her beloved music teacher too. I lost all my pics on my camera. DD birthday party on Sunday was fun. 7 kids at a 7th birthday party is a great number. DH gets his cast off on Friday. I want the rain to stop. The river keeps getting higher. I missed out on a wonderful rafting trip on Saturday with work, just did not feel up to it, and I love the river. Stressed beyond my endurance right now. So glad I have my passport. SO glad.

Have PASSPORT will travel

I am going to TEXAS. Here I come, now as my DH is so fond of saying " You are going to DIE in Texas in August". Texas scrapfest in Texas on August 3, 4, 5 this summer. I am going to be there. I cannot express how giddy with excitement I am. I get to meet close to 40 people that I only know online. I know I know but this is exciting. And And it is cause I got the passport. Passport took over four months for me to get. Last night was the first night that I was able to take the kids cruizing in the vette, it was a beautiful night for it. DD lost her hat with the top off and the windows down. Have to get her another one. DS the minute I started accelerating and the motor made a different sound says "Mom, you are going to go FAST" I also took my mom for a ride around town. Great night all the way around. This is what DH took on Sunday afternoon, me napping sitting up using DD bear as a pillow and DS sleeping on me too. Laughed when I saw it on the camera, ...

Drag Race Tragedy

My heart goes out to the 7 killed and many injured in this accident, as well to Troy and his crew. It cannot be easy on them either. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SELMER, Tenn. (June 18, 2007) "The entire AMS Racing Team is in deep mourning over the losses and pain suffered this weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with the individuals and their families during this difficult time. We are shocked and deeply saddened by this tragic accident, which is compounded by the fact that it occurred during a charitable event designed to raise money for disabled children. We offer our deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the individuals that were injured or perished in the accident," team spokesman William Reid said Monday. The team was asked to attend a charity event in Selmer, Tenn. to help raise money for the Cars For Kids charity and was told the organization had staged a charity car show for the past 18 years in which the drivers performed burnouts. The team sent its racing...

Fathers Day Weekend

This is what I am currently listening too. Quite the album. DS did this certificate at daycare for Daddy too. IT is so glittery and made me smile. DD brought this home from school for DH for Fathers Day. It made me smile and laugh, it is so stinkin cute. Currently what I am watching: Blood Diamond - so totally not what I expected but a good movie Chronicles and Riddick and the precurser to it - gotta get my Vin Are We There Yet - My kids are no where near as bad as those two Night at the Museum - Totally Funny A movie and nap weekend. Fathers Day is for Dad's, but it is for kids too. Never once in my entire life have I got to participate in a Fathers Day item, celebration, or anything of the kind. It is so bitter. I forced my DH to go in with me and the kids and get a walmart package done of the family. He hates it but I make him go. We didn't do it for Mothers Day as is tradition cause I was to sick, so I insisted on Fathers Day. His races were rained out anyway.

Rain it did.

Rain and rain and rain. So the BBQ school picnic was in the school gym. What an absolute mad house. All those parents and kids. WOW. I felt sorry for the cleaning crew afterwards. Kids did a nice song for the farewell of the principal I am so sorry to see her go, she was in tears most of the night. Schools being merged sucks. Lost our wonderful principal and bigger class sizes for my kids. Got some pics of my DH cast though finally. It is blue.

Rain or shine

the note for the school picnic said it would go ahead rain or shine. I wonder if they expected torrential downpours, thunder and lightening and the works. And it is barely 11 degrees right now. Do I wanna go yes? Do I wanna freeze no? Do I wanna get wet no? In the winter the kids ice skating tournament was cancelled due to no ice. Then it was cancelled due to a 40 below blizzard. The bike rodea we were rained, hailed and snowed on in May and froze, and then today, rain rain rain. Go away come again another day.

My little Guy:

For about the last two months this has been going on. It is so cute I want to scrap it but have not figured out how. Austin: Mom I love you. Mom: I love you Too. Austin: Well I love you ten. Mom: Well I love you hundred Austin: Well I love you ten. He was learning numbers and figured my too meant two. So dang cute, now it seems to be our ritual, I have got to capture it somehow.

the wonderful world of sleep

Can you believe it I slept. WOW I actually slept. My little guy went to bed and stayed in bed all night long. WOW. No waking Mommy up. I had food in my tummy and was so exhausted from working all day I slept. I was shocked when DH was waking me up, I had no clue it was already after seven. WOW, sleep. Way back in November a group of ladies got together and formed a stampin up club. At that time June was assigned to me to host. Guesss what it is tonight, lousy timing but who knew back then that all this was going to happen at once. Should be fun.

Too much Rain

The race was a wash out yesterday. Delayed start, and then cause of being in the right place at the right time, he who shall not be named won the dang thing under a rain out. What's up with the states and the rain on race weekends? What was up with Kyle Petty announcing? Why wasn't he driving that car? Me: I still am not physically or emotionally back to where I was before surgery. I researched this thing, I talked to people that had it done, I even talked to three different doctors about it. In no way shape or form was I ready for the reparcussions of it. It planted me flat on my back for way longer than anyone expected especially me. WOW, can I say I was unprepared, even with all that research. I am back at work today but still not feeling "well". A weird thing happened too. I am in pre-op room. The anethesialogist, comes to talk to me. He is going over my medical file. He asks me if I am a generally healthy person. I say no, I suffer chronic pain. T...

Off for a week

I am having a medical procedure done tomorrow and from there am off work for a week on medical. My goal is to sleep lots, recover, and maybe just maybe get some scrapping done. I hope so anyway, lots and lots of sleep. DH got his cast on Friday. It is blue and is very very rough. Ouch on the skin. Thanks for all your thoughts and well wishes, we appreciate them.

May 31 Pictures

My 1985 two tone blue coupe Corvette. I bought it 10 years ago, hard to believe I have had it ten years. I bought it as a graduation present to myself for completeing my CMA. Back when I thought I had the world by the tail. Love my car. In 1998 when I first started taking it to car shows and cruise ins I got the dirtiest looks, now it is a car that gets some of the most looks. Last night I think there were over 8 corvettes at the cruise in, and many more driving by. Maybe I started something way back when. My apple tree in the backyard, I was scared last week that the snow was going to hurt it. I was out early in the morning in my housecoat with the broom knocking snow off of it. We only lost one small branch. Now it is in full bloom and smells so pretty. My and my two kiddies. Jennifer H wanted a picture of mom and kids and I couldn't find one of the three of us together. So Daddy snapped this one last night. DD in all her goofiness. It was wacky hair day at school s...