New Years Eve Pictures

I don't feel much like talking today. Here are some of the pictures taken New Years Eve. WE had some wine with supper. I casually mentioned that it would be a good wine to sip on while mingling at a party, but not something I would like to drink a lot of all at once. So the evening goes on, I get the kids to bed. And then go to look for the wine, it isn't in the fridge, it isn't in the snowbank getting cold, so I wander downstairs to ask DH where he put it. He had drank it all. I didn't think you wanted any he said, and his bottle of JD was half gone too. Not to amusing to me. Drinking is a huge issue for me in regards to him. SO he opens my bottle of saskatoon, sparkly alchohol-FREE wine and that is what I had for my new years toast all by myself. I have no idea why no pics of son were taken. and Notice the one with daughter sound asleep long before midnight, with the tooth fairy pillow waiting for a visit on her stool.
Anyway happy 2007, may it be a year filled with happiness and joy. And don't forget change can be good.