19 years ....where did it go

I was a young kid yet at 21 and DH was 30. And in all of my maturity I made the agreement with him 19 years ago today that we would date exclusively. That meant I could no longer date anyone else and he would no longer date anyone else. Who knew that 19 years later we would still be together and committed to each other. We have seen numerous friends in that same time period get married, get divorced, get married, and get divorced. And here we are having gone through some really terrible times still hanging on. Who would have thought?

Daughter has had a rough time with bullying at school since it started in September. I have talked to her teacher a few times. I have talked to daughter about what to do when it happens. The school has a anti-bullying policy. In fact people were in talking about it last week. But I had a little girl in tears three times last week. Twice because of name calling and once Friday because of pysical violence. To the point that she did not want to go to a classmates birthday party on Sunday if this other little girl was going to be there. I stopped at the principals office last night and talked to her about it. SHe is supposed to talk to the two girls about it today. However then my daughter was in tears last night about that. She tells me it will just get worse that now they will call her a tattle tale. She is terrified. My heart aches for her. It has got to stop.

Other things I am learning in grade one this year.

Books that you read in grade one in 2007 are way different than ones read in grade one in 1974.

One she read last week called Lizzie's Lizzard, was all about a teen that was stealing little kids pets and selling them to a pet store for money.

The one she read last night had a severe grass fire and the kids having to call 911 which wasn't too bad, but then they went outside and got the garden hose to keep the fire away from the house. AND then the fireman made them heros because of it. Even though it did say that they had to go to the hospital for smoke inhalation. I don't want my kids to think that if they tackle a fire by themselves that they will be heros. I want them to go away from it and be safe.

I just found the content shocking for grade one.


Leslie said…
saying a little prayer for DD that she won't be so scared. My neice was having similar troubles and my sister got involved to stop it. I hope they resolve this. School is a safe place for learning and she can't do that with those problems. Hug her for me.
bullying is one of the hardest things in life to have control over..i feel so sorry for your little girl..
also makes you wonder who chooses the content for little ones to read..wonder why kids do the things they do..
on a lighter note congrats on your anniversary...wonderful news..
Lori Petticrew said…
bullying is sad. i was bullyed in school, so i know the feeling. prayers to boo to be strong
Jenny said…
Congratulations on 19 years together

Sorry about the bullying - we dealt with that for three years

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