First Blizzard of 2007

Well the weatherman was NOT wrong for once, we got a blizzard. Snow and high winds causing high windchills. Went from around 0 yesterday to a -26 windchill today. brrrr. Lots of blowing snow and drifting. Driving is not pretty. And you still get the idiots that won't turn their lights one. Get a life, when visibility is bad you need them on. My little Sidekick 4x4 came in handy today battling some of the drifts. However being a small one with these winds it tosses me around. I am glad I filled up with gas yesterday, the extra weight really helps. While I was at the gas station an older man was filling up at the pump on the opposite side of the one I was using. He could have been Grizzly Adams. The beard, the touque pulled down, the ram-shackle pickup truck. He is making conversation and tells me. "Them theres a northerner blowing in. A young filly like you should be hunkered down in front of a fireplace." I could not agree with him more. Made me smile, it totally did. The picture is from one of the road cams on our highways from this morning.