Pay It Forward - Is now mailed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO Leslie, Kristen, Lori, and Georgina keep an eye out for your Pay It Forward Handmade item from me. I apologize for it being 6 weeks late. Sometimes life transpires against my creativity. I finished the items on Saturday and got them mailed this morning. Post office was crazy. The Christmas Mailing rush is on.

Canada got pretty nailed with winter from the west coast right to the east coast. We have the cold and some snow, but not near the winds or volume of snow other places received.

The Singing Christmas tree at church was fantastic. I experimented with the Rebel XTI sans flash for pictures of the lights. Some turned out some didn't. It was a good learning experience.

Austin was upset that Daddy left for work before giving him hugs and kisses. Hard to explain that at 4:30am he was sleeping. Then I got the first time in ages the I don't want to go to daycare. When I told him J would no longer be there he perked up some. We have left him at the daycare he has attended since 2006.One of the issue children J was asked to leave, and the other two are on a 8 week probation. Changes have been put in place to help Austin in the crowded situations. It has seemed to have been working.
He is a real game kid now. Lets play a game mom, so we have done kerplunk, trouble, yahtzee, lucky duckies, froggies, turtles, all sorts. He is loving games right now at four.
He is still sticking to wanting a white train with multi coloured polka dots for Christmas. EEEKKKKK, where do I get a train I can alter?????
DD wants a Nintendo DS. That one is simple.
My sister came with Mom and I to the craft show on Saturday. mom asked me if she could. She actually didn't ask for money, in fact she never spoke to me. LOL.
Cleaned some of the house yesterday. Not a deep clean, the clutter kind. Trying to get things put away. DD cleaned her own room, awesome job she did. DH and DS vacuumed and washed the floors when I was at the singing tree.
For my Christmas bonus this year I chose a monitor and a external hard drive. I LOVE the monitor, what a difference looking at a 22" monitor. WOOHOO. I can honestly say I worked HARD for that bonus this year.


Kristin K Stock said…
I can't wait to see....I might even "Wet tinkle" myself :) BBBAAAHHHHAAAA
Nancyroo said…
Hmm. I have not played games with Xane yet,maybe I should try. Tried Candy Land last year, it was a disaster.
Nancyroo said…
hard to find a white train, but here is one:

Just polka dot it with acrylic paint maybe?
Lori Petticrew said…
i will keep my eye out. and let you know!
Leslie said…
my DS loves games too! His closet shelf is filled with them. DD is slowly getting into games, but she's still so little she jumps from thing to thing.
I'll let you know when my Pay it Forward arrives. I did mine last week. I know Lori got her's but I never did hear if Lesle's arrived yet. Hopefully its not lost in the mail.
Broken Beth said…
Thank you, I am feeling a bit better

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