Merry Season and goodbye to BAH-HUMBUG

It is a sad thing to think a friend or family member may have made this and sent it in to POST SECRET for me. I have a hard hard time with the holiday season. Bad things, bad memories, bad occurances, happened to me as a child at Christmas. It is very hard to get over them. Yes I have been to counselling but there is only so much that can be erased from ones mind.
I am extra busy at work at this time of year as well, my social anxiety is put to the absolute test with all the get togethers and parties I must attend, and then just my personal belief that commercializm is far to rampant at this time of year.
I try to keep Christmas a fun and enjoyable time for my kids and family. I really do.
As DH and I were wrapping presents yesterday when the kids were at Mom's we were talking about the difference between last Christmas and this one. Last year we were watching pennies, making gifts to save money, and wondering when the blow would fall. This year we are thankful that our kids are in the "getting" category and not the "wanting" category. It is a real blessing and a very enjoyable feeling. Yes I work hard, and DH work hard, for this to be a possibility and there are sacrifices the year long, but this year I am enjoying it. I truly am. Wrapping those presents, those physical reminders on how life can change in so short a time, really made me realize that I need to put the past behind me, and concentrate on the here and now. I really do. I will do this. I will. Will you all hold me to it????
My work Christmas Party was held on Saturday night, the entertainment "Blue's Brothers Revue" was awesome. Jake and Elwood put on a show to be proud of. Totally enjoyed it. Laughed like I have not laughed in long while. I even got a few compliments on how I looked, that is not often heard by me. I enjoyed them. Funny though Austin was napping when I got ready. I was wearing a dress, had my hair and makeup done, and was sitting in the living room when he woke up. He looks at me and says I want my Mom. LOL. Poor little guy, Alexis trying to compliment me says, Mom you don't look like you. Ummm thanks I think. My Mom even said I looked nice.