I want racing now

I want summer now. I really do. We have had snow on the ground since October, and an actual winter this year, with minimum of two months left. All of February and March, and the majority of April. That is 7 months. argggggggg

Anyway even though I never have time to sit down and watch an entire race at a time, I still want it on. The car shows, and going to them and sitting in the sun, the cruising up and down Gaetz Avenue. Having the wind blow through my hair. Well you get the idea.


Cheyenne said…
Hang on...its a'coming. Saturday the 10th of Feb. is the Budweiser Shootout and then Speed Weeks starts leading up to the Daytona 500 on th 18th. It'll be here before you know it. Of course, the summer part of your wish will take a tad longer.

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