Thursday 13

My Thursday 13......

Things I have learned recently

1) if you watch an Eastern Based National Weather Channel for local weather in the West be prepared to be disappointed, in fact be prepared to be totally unprepared. Weather channel said high of -4, sunny skies, no wind. Well we had a norther blow in and it snowed, and blowed, and temperture dropped and it was miserable yesterday. I was totally unprepared.
2) Simon Cowell American Idol judge . does have a touch of class in his body, I thought it was great that he stood up to shake the older fellows hand that sang about his deceased wife. It made Paula cry and me as well.
3) I like the auditions of AI better than the actual show.
4) 40 is not considered young for a hysterctomy
5) buff men work out at the gym at night
6) buff men are short
7) mmmm, wonder if they are trying to prove something
8) I am stronger than I give myself credit for sometimes
9) I found out that someone I respect and admire smokes, and I don't think less of them
10) new office blinds can be really smelly
11) a little boy can want his mommy to himself, and his daddy to himself, but not want Mommy and Daddy together without him
12) sledding and swimming sound alike to a 3 year old,
13) that person I was cussing for having a burnt out headlight and still driving was me


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