September 17, 1996
I am merrily going on my way to work one morning. I am stopped at a red light. The light changes to green. The car infront of me proceeds through the intersection and I follow. WRONG MOVE. An idiot that was driving runs the red light, and totals my sidekick. I am injured in the crash. I have months of pysio and massage and recuperation. EXCEPT. I never get better. I never get over the pain. It just keeps on in my life. I am eventually diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. A very controversial thing to have happen. So I live my life in chronic pain, and disability and the guy that hit me got to walk away with a $35 dollar ticket for undue attention while driving. Well it is over 10 years later now. The case is still unresolved and I have about had it with my life. I hate being in pain all the time, I hate it. I absolutely utterly hate the restrictions it places on me. I hate everything around me because of all the rage inside me. And guess what no one cares. They all say, it is due to the pain. Well yah right. It may be due to the pain, but do something about it. Get some resolution in my life. I get those good naysayers that go "oh you are so lucky" or "just think it could be so much worse". Well I don't want to hear it. This is what I live with day in day out and I want it acknowledged. I want someone to hear the cry of pain. The agony of life. I want someone anyone to listen.
"Do not judge me until you have walked in my shoes." and I will afford you the same courtesy.
"Do not judge me until you have walked in my shoes." and I will afford you the same courtesy.