back into the grind
after having two weeks off in July and then last week off, I am back into the grind and trying to get a routine going.
Daughter started school grade one back on August 31. But last week she was picked up a couple days, there was a holiday in there, she took the school bus home a few days. Not exactly a routine. Same with son in daycare. hit and miss with it.
So this week is back on a routine. Or so I would like to hope. Daughter catches the bus at 8:16, I walk back in the house, lock the door, and take son to daycare, and drive to work. Should go off without a hitch, but it just doesn't seem to. Evenings I have to pick daughter up from after school care and then son from daycare and home. Cook a meal, check out daughters backpack, make a lunch for the two of us for the next day, showers, bed time story and bed.
How on earth can that be so exhausting?
Son has said that his foot hurts recently. He has a real bump on it. Doesn't look like a wart but I do not know. I have to take him into the clinic one night this week. Daughter broke a cap on her front tooth this week, and has gotten two adult molars prior to losing any baby teeth. Does that mean there will be crowding and stuff? I hope not. Her dentist appointment for more crowns and fillings on her BABY teeth is next month. I dread it.
I have to wonder why she was blessed with my garbage teeth. Why not her Dads good teeth. Just not fair.
And I did a baby page for a friend of mine and thought I would post it here.
I know where you're coming from with the teeth - I've just had Laura referred to an orthodontist because her teeth are a mess - super crowded and no room for the remainder of her adult teeth to come through. They are discussing removing a few more teeth to let the rest of the teeth down and braces to straighten them all up. I shudder at the cost, but I know she needs it done - poor thing has no hope with both mine and DH's teeth :(