I don't know what to do

I really don't.

My daughter sleep terrors are back. I don't know why, but every middle of September they come back. She wakes up screaming her head off, obviously still asleep. Or she sleep walks, while screaming. It is interrupting her needed sleep, which makes her grumpy the rest of the time. SInce my son has decided that he doesn't like going to sleep anymore. By the time daughter starts her screaming he is still awake. He gets scared and starts crying. Then the two of them just kind of feed off each other, and drain Mommy. I just do not know what to do. Since son is not getting needed sleep, he is miserable the next morning too. Since my hubby is out of town all the time, it is just me trying to survive this. argggg. I just do no know what to do. This will now go on till next May or June. I was so hoping she outgrew it. I was hoping. Obviously not.


~ RebekahBoo said…
I have no advice for ya...just some {{{{Hugs}}}}.
Cheyenne said…
I get sleep terrors too knowing that winter is on its way.
Has anything severe happened to her in her life around this time in the past? Other than than, can't help either.
Paula... said…
Maybe she has some sort of underlying worries that you're not aware of. One idea that was given to me was to make a special little trinket box and sit it by her bed. If she has worries she can write them down and put them in her "worry" box. This is supposed to put their mind at rest knowing that their worries are tucked safely away elsewhere. If it's too hard for her to write down, maybe get her to whisper them into the box before closing tightly each night.

It could all be mind over matter, but maybe something similar is worth a try IYKWIM.
Lori Petticrew said…
wow! hugs to you! i will keep her in prayers and you too!

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