Confessional Friday
Someone posted in scrap jazz that it was confessional Friday. Well I posted but got so many outraged e-mails that I edited my post. WOW.
I confess:
I went home at noon and got the vette.
I am in huge financial difficulty, and no one knows or seems to care including DH
I go days without eating.
I am still not losing weight
I feel like the worst Mommy.
Somedays I do not want to be alive.
I hate my lawyer, I hate insurance companys, I hate the justice system.
Some days I want to be in a tank and drive all over the little pissant vehicles.
I believe my dreams, will never come true.
I lost my faith.
My husband is a weekend alcoholic. I hate it. Sometimes I hate him.
I am addicted to Coca-cola
I love nudity
I have not vacuumed my house in weeks.
I have ants crossing the threshold.