Dora the Explorer Rocks

Last night was the BIG night. Took the five year old and two year old to see Dora the Explorer Pirate Adventure. We had row 6 on the floor seats. That was awesome. The little guy sat on my knee and did not move. His jaw often hung open and he often pointed but he was totally mesmorized. The five year old even though according to her "I have outgrown" Dora, loved it too. She was up in front of the stage dancing, and jumping and flag waving. True scrapper that she is she had to get pieces of the rain and treasure box confettie for a scrap page. Cameras were not allowed though. SO no pics. I would have loved to have gotton some of sons face while watching. Priceless memories. He was so sad when it ended. No end, end yucky was all he would say. If you have a chance to go, do it. The production is awesome.
So both kids up past bedtime. But so worth it.
Then a big time thunderstorm and rain storm moved through from 12:30 till 3 so I did not get much sleep. I was surprised the kids slept through it.
Daughter has a dentist appointment this afternoon. Since Dad is off work I am making him take her. I always have to be the bad cop, not this time. But I don't think he will really do anything today. Just confirm that yes she has cavities and book another appointment to get them fixed. So I will have to do that.
Son is turning into a Daddy's boy. I get up this morning and walk into the kitchen. SOn says go away Mom I don't like you, I want Dad. I reply well I LOVE YOU. he ran and gave me a hug. Next Monday when Dad goes back to work is going to be rough. I just know it.
HOCKY IS OVER. WOOHOO. I hate it so much, I hate the rivalry, the pettyness, the entire game of it. SInce I lived in Edmonton for 15 years everyone expects me to be a huge Oiler fan. I am not. I dealt through business with too many of them, and don't have too high of an opinion of the professionals. Now Cam Ward from the Canes played for the Red Deer Rebels. I met him a few times and he is a nice kid. I was so happy to see him get the trophy. I kinda felt bad for him. There did not seem to be anyone out on the ice to hug him like all the other teammates. What was up with that. Maybe just the media. Anyway HOCKEY IS OVER. woohoo.
Cam way to go, you deserved it.


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