Beautiful Sunday

Got up and hit the road early today. A road trip down to Drumheller. Closest thing that Alberta has to a desert. Very canyon like, and dinosaurs galore. Makes a great tourist town for the dinosaurs. The Royal Tyrell Museum is an awesome awesome museum. So my daughter and I go down to it. I know I will hurt like hell cause of the two hour drive there and back but daughter enjoys it so much. Some quality time with mom. Took the vette. IT helps to eat up the miles. It truly makes it easier on me. So we hit ride the ferry accross the river, then hit the museum, then go into town and daughter plays at outside waterpark. Freebee that she loves. She wipes out running out of the fountain and skins the top of one foot. She was heartbroken that we would have to go home. But the lifeguard at the neighboring pool bandaged her up and she limped through the rest of the busy day. What a little trooper. Her foot looks horrible and it is all on the top where her sandles will rub on it constantly. On the way home I have the cruise set for 7 over the limit. I look in the rearview mirror and see a cop car with lights on. Heart in throat I slow down and pull over. The cop drives by me, by the truck in front of me and keeps on going with lights flashing. He obviously did not have a tired out Mommy speeding in a vette on his quota list. Thank heaven for that.


AshleyS said…
sounds like a great day--glad your dd got enjoy the vette!
Kristin K Stock said…
Sounds like alot of fun!! I am so glad you had a great day!!

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