Scrapbooking in the middle of the night!

Not by me mind you but by my daughter. I am not sure to laugh, or cry or be mad. She said she couldn't sleep so felt like scrapping. What a kid.

My highschool friend had her baby on the 9th. Our two sons in 2003 were only a few weeks apart in age and now she has a wonderful baby girl. Morgan Anne. Congratulations Denise and Sandy.

I get to take the kiddos to the dentist this afternoon. I hope beyond hope that the teeth are doing good. Dentists terrify me and it is hard not to pass that fear on to the kids. It seems they get it by osmosis.

LOST last night was kind of disappointing to me. Left more questions as usual than answers. Loved the closing scene with Micheal in the prison room with all shades of black and white and no color. Very dramatic.


AshleyS said…
That girl must be my long lost child! You know I love to scrap in the middle of the night!

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