Afraid of clowns

Sounds stupid doesn't it. But I am afraid of clowns. I do not like to see them, do not like pictures of them, or statues of them, and I certainly do not like to meet them. Daughter was invited to a birthday party this afternoon. It was held at Sparkles the Clowns Party Room. And in I walk, and what is there to greet me but Sparkles the Clown. Somehow someway my mind just did not acknowledge the fact that a clown would be there. My heart starts pounding, my breathing goes wacky. I ensure the adults in charge are aware of daughters allergies and I am make my escape. I think it took a good 10 minutes for my respiration to return to normal. Now I just have to be brave and go pick her up, knowing what is there waiting for me. ewwwwwww


Nancyroo said…
Well, clowns are scary! I think it's the effect of scary movies with demonic clowns or just the make-up. clowns are just weird.
Neen and Mike said…
OMG! I am deadthly scared of clowns too... just the sight on them makes my heart race and my skin go clamy and hair stand on end... I almost had to punch one once... it was getting in my face :)
Neen and Mike said…
OMG! I am deadthly scared of clowns too... just the sight on them makes my heart race and my skin go clamy and hair stand on end... I almost had to punch one once... it was getting in my face :)
Cassandra said…
I'm with you on this-- clowns are just plain weird!!!!!

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