
Showing posts from October, 2019

In All Things Give Thanks

In All Things Give Thanks

Weekend Edition


Royal Edmonton Museum Soft Corals Exhibit

Royal Edmonton Museum Soft Corals Exhibit

I am loving the fall leaves this fall of 2019

I am loving the fall leaves this fall of 2019, I enjoy taking snaps of them.

Canada Winter Games held in Red Deer

Canada Winter Games held in Red Deer and left a legacy of all these Red Deer signs all over the place. I encountered is one for the first time at the Discovery Canyon parking lot.

Johhny Reid is one of my favourite artists to see in person.

Johhny Reid is one of my favourite artists to see in person. He makes me happy, like I am walking on water.

SADS conference was just held in Atlanta

SADS conference was just held in Atlanta. It is a wealth of information, and the only chance to meet other people with our rare heart condition long qt syndrome. We couldn't go this year, but we did go to the one in Toronto in 2017.

An aray of favorite toys from back when he was little

An aray of favorite toys from back when he was little

Grandmas teach granddaughters to cook at a young age

Grandmas teach granddaughters to cook at a young age

Title page for Halloween scrapbook


Whats a Mama to do

Sleep Too