The aftermath of collapse.

It turned out I had a blood infection from ICD placement.  I was sick. I was very sick.
I was right back to where I'd started even being in the same room in Calgary.
It was determined I had to have the whole ICD and leads pulled in order to beat the infection. However as testing was done it was found I had "stuff" growing on leads in heart. It couldn't be determined what it was. It was thought to be the size of a Canadian twoonie. 
My husband and I were prepared daily for a week that if this "stuff" broke off during removal it could hit my brain and I'd either be dead or vegetable for life. If it broke off during removal it could hit my lungs with same results.  Or it could cross to other side of heart with deadly results. There was virtually no chance to come out the same way I went in. We were prepared for death or worse for a week. This week was a horrible week. I was so ill from the infection. I was thinking I'd die. 
I'd just survived SCAs, yet here I was facing all end of life decisions. Living wills, power attorneys, all that stuff.
During this week I was given massive doses of meds to shrink the "stuff". Very hard on kidneys. Dangerous knowing surgery was imminent. I also had clots in my clavicle areas that affected my arms and hands, my hands looked like balloons.
Not only were we facing the dangers of this "stuff" on leads, the overall danger of lead removal was present as well. Any and all complications from lead removal was thoroughly explained as well. Virtually no hope of me coming out the way I went in was given. 
Ten days after the collapse it was time for removal.
I was kept awake in surgery, and asked to sing, or talk throughout so that they would know right away if the clot of "stuff" broke off.  They were prepared to dose me with massive doses if I quit being able to sing or breathe.
A miracle happened that day as the leads came out and nothing was on them but nothing happened to my heart, my lungs, or my brain either.  Where did the stuff go? It's not known.  Best guess scenario is that as it was touched for removal it disintegrated.
From the leads the blood infection could be grown and it was finally determined how to fight the infection.  I was on IV antibiotics and clot busting stuff for six weeks.. Hospitalized overall from July through October. 


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