Autism Awareness Day

Today is Autism Awareness Day. For my son Austin, be aware.
He thinks differently, he acts differently, he behaves differently, he perceives things differently.  He is an absolutely wonderful little boy.  I love him the way he is.

 I have to admit though that after I had my Sudden Cardiac Arrests I realized much more how he might be perceiving the world.  I had a brain injury from lack of oxygen.  Things were brighter, and lighter, and louder and totally overwhelming. Much like I think my son may be experiencing the world. Being overwhelmed often leads to the fight or flight complex.   I experience that so many times a day, I really believe it must be Similiar to what he experiences.

 I had/have difficulty in expressing myself clearly and concisely. I grasp for appropriate words, inflections, meanings, spellings and even punctuation.  Communicating with ease no longer is possible for me and I believe that's the way it's always been for Austin.

Reading body language of others is often a skill autistic children never learn.  I see that in myself.  Body language is not a simple language, much like English it's overly complicated.

Then there is sarcasm.  I see the world in shades of black and red now.  There are no shades of grey, or magenta, or crimson. Austin takes things completely at face value as well.

I understand my autistic son so much more since my sudden cardiac arrests and subsequent brain injury. Be aware, be considerate, be understanding.


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