Two moments of full clarity

Today I had two complete moments of clarity.  Unusual for me, but I had them.

1) Toothless - little black dragon, from the movie how to train your dragon.  I've loved him for the last year.  Something Austin and I watched together.  I bought myself a little figurine of him on my birthday.  Cute little dragon.
Kids were bugging me that the show wasn't called Toothless but Dragon Rider.  I said its Toothless.  Kids are Ask why I like him so much.  They are throwing reasons at me from all directions.  He is cute, he is a dragon, you can ride him.  No, no, no.
So why?
I like him because he was broken and someone took the time to fix him. The kids never said another word.

2) a friend 4 years after her SCA went back to her old job.  I told her I  was proud of her.  Very very very proud and I am.  BUT: I realized that I'm proud that she took the risk to try.  Not that her short term memory was good enough to do it.  I don't know how to explain that to her.
The clarity came in this: memory and brain issues from SCAs are like rolling a dice, some people get a 1 some people get a 6.  Sometimes no matter how hard one tries to fix the brain it won't happen.  It's not a reflection on that person.  It is totally out of  their hands.  Some people roll a 1 some people roll a 6.  There are some things to do to help to an extent, but if that 6 was rolled that brain will never ever be back to what it was.  It's not a reflection on the person.

The clarity comes in that I feel broken, and feel unfixable, and that even if my brain is never going back to pre-SCA function it's not a reflection on me or of me. This thought made me bawl uncontrolably and im not even sure why.

That little Toothless figure i bought for my pose with the broken tail, one had the pose before the tail was broken.  I wavered back and forth for ages before buying one.
I bought the unbroken tail.


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