Texas Scrapfest - you still have time to come and participate.
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This is Sherri Cheri and Amy sharing one fantastic margarita at Rita's on the river in 2008. Great times. You still have time to come over to Texas Scrapfest and participate in the challenges, and door prizes,
Texas Scrapfest 2010
If you want to see my current work for the challenges come on over to my blog, SharpshootingbySherri
Alberta headlines an announcement that there are 3,500 new positions for childcare in Alberta in 51 different communities. So I read the report. Which can be found here....http://www.child.alberta.ca/home/587.cfm . It comes down to 3,489 positions at the cost of $4,853,940.00 that comes out to $1,391.21 per position. Makes me wonder. Red Deer my community gets 68 positions at two differernt centres and $102,000, which works out to 1,500.00 per position. I just do not get it. I am pulled aside at daycare yesterday where my 4 year old DS attends full time. The owner of the centre tells me that C has left, that the other C is being moved to a new room, and that a brand new C, and J are going to start, and lead will be held by N who has been there two weeks. The daycare owner tells me she doesn't know why but she cannot keep staff in that room. I pay $775.00 a month for him to attend daycare, I pay $255.00 a month for my daughter to attend after school care from 3-6 on school days. ...
20 years ago today I miscarried a baby. I can imagine myself with a 20 year old running around. Maybe even a grandma, that is a rough thought. For years when I could not conceive I wondered if I was being punished for miscarrying my first. I was young, got pregnant in college, and was sick all the time. I had morning sickness 24 hours a day every single day, I lost a lot of weight. I was alone and I was scared. I went to bed one night feeling very ill, I woke up two days later in the hospital. I had hemarraged and been uncousious, and almost died. I miscarried in my fifth month. When I missed college some friends tried to reach me and couldn't so called my ex and he had the landlord let him in. It saved my life. I have always felt so guilty that I was just that little bit relieved that it had happened. I was so young, and on my own, and did not want a child raised the way that I had been raised. Feelings just all over the place. It hit me like a ton of bricks again w...
Al from Z99 (local radio station AM DJ) was making comments about pennies, and nickels being meaningless. My daughters grade two class was discussing this, so their teacher had a challenge issued. Bring in as many pennies as you can, well word of this got out, and more classes decided to participate. And from there it just snowballed. Unicef donated Halloween treat bags, they were filled with food donations and taken to the school. DD grade two class filled an entire coffee can with pennies, the money raised will go to UNICEF charities. The food donated will go to the local food bank. It is an awesome thing that DD is learning that the LITTLE things make a BIG difference, both locally and globally. Walking into the school on Friday to see the amount of food in the assembly centre was breathtaking. In DD Friday journal letter home to Mom, she talked about giving to others less fortunate. My reply back was how proud I was that she had learned Little things can make a big dif...