One girl bunny and one boy bunny
Make for some interesting sex ed opportunities. They really do.
So my girl bunny needs to get fixed. Apparently girl bunnies are prone to uterine cancer so she will have the full hysterectomy.
Whipping Cream is the boy at 800 grams
Maple the girl is at 710.
Both are in great shape the vet says. Lots of good quality hay.
ANyway my 8 year old has been told that if they were one of each we would have to get one fixed. Explanations were given using correct terminology and everything. Great opportunity to explain things. Anyway she asks me what girl parts are fixed to prevent babies, I tell her. She then asks me what boy parts. I tell her the testicles. She thinks about it and then says that is where the fertilizer is.
I killed myself laughing, fertilizer.
I also found out yesterday how the kids picked the names at camp for the bunnys.
The mothers name was Waffles. There were five babies. What do you put on waffles? Well apparently you put on waffles "Blackberry" "Maple" "Cinamon" "Carmel" and on top you put "Whipping Cream". All makes sense now.
After Jasper passed on, I gave it a year and then decided to get two cats. One of each, both neutered. Have fun raising those bunnies because they are a joy to have around.