I got a phone call this afternoon

and it wasn't a good one.

DS kindergarten teacher called me. Told me that DS is not ready for kindergarten, that I should keep him at home for another year. He is shutting down, and not responding in class, he is spinning, and banging his head. He refused to leave the play ground this morning. A grade four teacher had to bring him in. He had to be removed from the class today. He had tantrums. Just a long list of reasons.

I do not know what to do. He hated daycare, hated it, I would have to carry him in kicking and screaming he hated it so much. With kindergarten he had the chance of going to school, riding the school bus, and I thought his situation would improve greatly. I was wrong.

So what do I do now?

I work full time, my so called DH is not around to help me. What the heck do I do?
Quit my job, find other care? I just do not know, and I have to have everything in place by Monday. aaaarrrrggggggg


Paula... said…
Oh Oscar - what a terrible situation to put you in. I don't know how the schooling system works over there, but here this is something that should have been picked up and sorted prior to the end of the school year IYKWIM.

Our kids go to Kindergarten when they are 4 and start school when they are five, so Kindergarten isn't really part of the school system here as it's not compulsory. Having said that, the kids that do attend Day Care and Kindergarden have assessments by their Day Care providers/kindergarden teachers to ascertain whether they are ready to start school or not. Sometimes it is recommended that they be held back for another year, but this descision is always made prior to a new school year.

How do you tell a child that they can no longer go to school, when they have already been there! He's only been at school for what; not even a week. Surely they could give him time to settle in and get used to his new surroundings and rountine! It seems to me that they have jumped the gun and not given enough time for a proper evaluation.
Yankee said…
Oh, I am so sorry.

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