Thank ful Thursday

1) Gotta love this a pair of pants I have not wore in over two weeks, been washed, dryed, folded and put away. I wear today. I find a ten dollar bill in perfect condition in the pocket. Makes me go mmmmm.

2) Mommy can I have an apple. Sure sweetie. I don't want it with pee on it Mom. Took me a minute to realize he meant peeling. LOL

3) Mommy Mommy come with me, now. So I go. Look out the window isn't it the most beautiful purple you ever saw. Ummm yes, thinking to myself OMG what a storm cloud.

4) Alexis Alexis come quick. Will you take a picture of me hugging Mommy. (This melted my heart)

5) Waking with a vicious storm overhead, hearing the wind, thunder, hail slamming the house, hoping one of the kids would wake up and come to bed so I wouldn't be all alone. That was funny. Storms don't generally frighten me, but that one last night out of a deep sleep sure did. The kids slept right through it.

6) Being Thursday gymnastics has a program for the parents to watch today. DD asking me to please bring her little brother so he can watch. Sweet.

7) Finally shooting on completely manual with manual focus on my Canon XTI and having decent pictures from it. WOOT WOOT

8) My life that I built for myself is so precious to me. I take great pride in that which I have worked hard to achieve.


Jenny said…
What a greatevents! I like the new look
Cheri Pryor said…
Love the new light and cheery look of your page. So great! And a wonderful Thankful Thursday post to go with it. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. ((hug))

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