I have a diagnosis

A big fancy word too. Mastalgia. Short meaning is breast pain.

Well duh I knew that. It is a huge relief off of me though that no signs of breast cancer were found.

I am to cut out caffeine, start on omega 3 vitamins, and get it re-examined if it gets worse.

Last night was DD BBQ at school. DH made it in for that. It was a really nice evening for it and enjoyed it. Then DH and the kids and I went for a walk along where the river trails are near work. To guage where the river really was. The paved path was wet, with river silt on it. The river had to have just gone down by quit a bit. There were duck prints in the silt, the kids loved following them, the earthworms that were up were the biggest I have ever seen, the size of small snakes, and we saw little fish on the wrong side of the path. We rescued them and put them back on the side where the river was.

We then walked up on top of the bridge. There was a huge spruce tree caught in the bridge supports it was wild to see the power of the water.

I am slowly getting used to being off my medications. I seem to either be totally withdrawn or way to opinionated. I guess that will all even out in time, and we will see if I need to go back on them or not. I hope not, I hate having to be on meds.


Leslie said…
and now you have it over with and can move forward. and you're off your meds...how is that still going? I hate being on meds too; I wish you the best.
Kristin K Stock said…
Well at least you know what it is...THANK GOD!

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