So Proud of my little girl

Trying to ride a bike for someone that has co-ordination issues is hard. I know I didn't learn till I was nine. Could not master it no matter how hard I tried. On Sunday DD could only keep going if one of us was running beside her holding the seat and the handle bars. We skipped Monday due to her dentist appointment, and hit the park again yesterday. She did so well. SHe can go straight for a heck of a long ways now, leaving me in the dust to catch up. She is successfully braking occasionally, and managing to stop sometimes without falling. Sure she had a few spectacular spills, the important thing is she always got back up and on and tried again. I am so proud of her for doing that. She is a perfectionist she wants to be able to do it all, all at once. She even managed to get started and going on her own about three times. I think that is awesome, she thinks it isn't good enough. LOL.

DS managed a day at daycare with no violence, he did not participate well. He was very good at the park while my time was focused on DD and the bike. The compromise was getting his DS back after supper.

This morning when we were getting ready, I found rocks and sand in his shoes. Walking and running at the park last night must have hurt his feet, he never said a word.

I saw the first signs of spring in my garden. The lilly of the valleys are just poking through the ground, my creeping jenny has some green leaves on it, it will not be long now and spring will just burst forth.


Kristin K Stock said…
COME on spring....please :)
Cheri Pryor said…
Yay for spring!! It's coming soon to a park near you... lol!

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