Mothers Day

I slept till get this noon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was woken a couple of times, but managed to go back to sleep each time. I had french toast for breakfast.
DD, DS and hubby gave me windchimes, I have wanted some forever, and a turtle that lights up for the garden, I love turtles, and an IPOD shuffle. WOOHOO.
We went to the park so DD could practice her biking more, and totally surprise her daddy that she could bike by herself. Then DS had a major temper tantrum. DH got ticked off and carried him off and home. DD then thought she was in trouble. Not a nice twist on the afternoon. Then it rained so we went home. DH wanted to go and get some things, DS was sleeping after his tantrum, so I put in a movie "Dreamcatcher". Then I went looking for DD I could not find her. Looked everywhere, turned out she went with DH. And no one told me. LOL. Movie was freaky.
I later get on the computer and try a few things with Photo Shop Elements 6, I need instructions. OMG I am so far over my head. All this time my IPOD shuffle is still charging, took forever to get it charged. And then DH could not get it to play songs. Not sure what is up with that. But it ticked him off , the kids ticked him off, and overall the feeling in the house was not a good one. SUrvivor with Parv winning ticked me off. I put the kids to bed and went to bed early myself. LOL


Cheyenne said…
I didn't like the outcome of Survivor either. But I am glad Cirie didn't even get to the final two. She was sly letting other people do her dirty work after she put the bug in their ear. Now we wait till Fall for the new season.

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