Are we sure today isn't Monday????

This morning DS comes and crawls in bed with me, and asks, Mommy is it a daycare day, yes it is sweetie, "NUTS" he says. Where he ever heard that is beyond me.

I actually had to wake DD up. In her entire 7.5 years of life this has probably happened maybe a handful of times. She never sleeps, so to have to wake her up in the morning is WOW.

Just to complicate things even more, I look out the window at 8:11 and see the bus going by, it isn't supposed to come till 8:17. So I had to take DD to school today too.

It is month end at work, and lots to do.

April fools day, haven't heard a thing.

Love the new Quickutz dies, Around the world in 80 dies, awesome. I can see me spending way to much money on them.

I am getting hooked on a really weird show Dexter. I have caught about the last three shows.

Part two of Medium last night shocked me. I am apalled at Joe making light of insurance fraud. Totally apalled. It makes legitimate claims that much harder. A sore spot for me I guess.

I am not much of a list maker, but here goes, I am taking a page from Lesle and trying to do this:

Things that have to be done prior to APril 30.
1) clean off desk
2) sort out tax stuff (find all tax stuff)
3) do my Mom's taxes
4) scrap book I gotta scrap book
5) start walking when it warms up
6) wash the vehicles
7) clean out the vehicles (probably get done looking for tax stuff)
8) put stuff back in DD room
9) clean the bathtub
10) clean the kitchen floor

those are managable on top of everything else I HOPE


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