My Mommy

Yesterday she had woke up early in the morning with severe abdominal pain. It progressed and got worse all day. So last night I took her into the hospital. I couldn't stay long with both kids with me. She called me late last night "higher than a kite", they had given her some good pain drugs, they think it might be appendix, or a fold in the intestine. She will have more tests today and then most likely surgery. I am scared she is my Mom, and not in the best of health. Also our regular doctor is off on six weeks of her own medical leave. The kids are upset, we are all tired, and I am waiting from another call from Mom. This scares me so much.


Cheyenne said…
Breathe in...breathe out...
Hope your mom is better by the time you read this. It certainlyisn't any fun not knowing what's happening.
Paula... said…
Thinking of you Oscar and I'm sending healing vibes your way. I hope it's nothing major and the your mum be back on her feet again soon.

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