
Showing posts from March, 2008

Just one word

You. Can. Only. Type. One. Word. I ran across this on Cheri's blog...and I'm gonna try it, Where is your cell phone? purse Your significant other? cheap Your hair? grey Your mother? trying Your father? non-existant Your favorite thing? sun Your dream last night? long Your favorite drink? Icetea Your dream/goal? painfree The room you’re in? freezing Your ex? childish Your fear? fire Where do you want to be in 6 years? retired Where were you last night? sleeping What you’re not? happy Muffins? blueberry One of your wish list items? ambitious Where you grew up? farm The last thing you did? typed What are you wearing? warm Your TV? excessive Your pets? noisy Your computer? broken Your life? tiring Your mood? sleepy Missing someone? no Your car? dirty Something you’re not wearing? shorts Favorite store? scraping Your summer? short Like someone? nope Your favorite color? blue When is the last time you laughed? days Last time you cried? morning Who will repost this? readers

Thoughtful Thursday

Insurance and wills and guardianship: I am an accountant and I get a lot of questions about these things. Not sure why, one would think a lawyer would be a better person to ask questions of. My general knowledge consists of this though. 1) If you are a stay at home mom, you still need life insurance on yourself, as if something happened to you, your hubby would have to hire people to do the things that you do. House cleaning, child care, cook, etc. 2) If you are the main breadwinner, ensure that you are insured adequately for your family to be taken care of in the manner they are accustomed to. 3) Everyone needs a will. Your will should be an official legal document, the money it costs now, will be saved in the event of your death, and the chaos dieing without one causes. 4) Guardianship of minor children. You need to do this. In the event that both parents are killed at the same time, you need to have it stated in a legal document who will take over care of them. 5) The trustee ...

Report Card Time

DD got her report card yesterday for this term. Doing very well in all areas. I really like the added page at the end where her teachers actually describe things and mention specifics. So much more than just a tick in the box like the rest of the report. Dwights celebration of life was rough yesterday. Sitting in a church packed with big tough strong men in leather coats and racing t-shirts, and watching them all discretely wipe away tears. Real men do cry. The video montage had me broken down. Dwight has one of those arm chairs, the kind the wife wants to get rid of but it is his personal chair. The kids were piled all around him on it, and the home video has him saying, this is what life is all about. The kids are still in shock and disbelief, and Joy is a shell of her former self. It is all so very sad. If you can drop a prayer for them, they really really need it. DS had a horrible drop off at daycare this morning again. I hate this, really really hate it. How much dam...

Monday Meanderings

Friday morning Mom called me at 9 to say she was getting released from the hospital. So I go up at 10 to pick her up. She is very tired, is being discharged. Well it was 2:30 before we got out of there. They kicked her out of her room at 10:30 so we had to sit in the lounge. It was you can't go yet for this, or that, or some other dumb reason. I had DD with me as she had no school, and thank heavens I had taken the Nintendo DS with us. What a joke that discharge was. She spent the weekend at our house. Very tired, not moving well, in a lot of pain. Her mind is not together at all, and she would fall asleep in the middle of a sentence. Her feet are so swollen she cannot get her shoes on. SHe is wearing slippers. And we had snow Saturday night. This afternoon is Dwights funeral. I did the sympathy cards last night for Joy and each of the kids, and his brother. We have been friends of the family for so long. It is just so sad that those five kids are going to grow up wit...

My Mom Update

Last night when I went to visit Mom, she had all her tubes out, IV's out, and was eating food. They think they will release her before the weekend. That is good, I just hope she is ready to be released.

I was tagged

Tagged! Paula at Desert Dwellers in my side bar has tagged me in a little blog game. As for the tag, here are the rules: Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. So here are my seven random facts about myself... 1)I am Canadian and hate hockey. 2)I love the smell of the first raindrops hitting hot cement or pavement. 3)I failed math in grade 12 and went on to be an accountant. 4)I have climbed a glacier and a mountain. 5)I love to canoe down rivers, not on lakes. 6)I am a certified scuba diver through NAUI 7)I currently own 5 different vehicles. OK lets try these people (I hope they haven't already been tagged!) Ashley, LeleMora, Nancy, Lori, Dreamweaver, Kristen, Becky Have fun ladies :) Really just trying to get my mind off of my Mom.

Hammer Time, Sledgehammer time

1) My Mom's condition has deterioated. She has not kept anything down since before she got ill on Wednesday. After surgery she was throwing up steadily, and coughing so much it was making me ill to hear her. Nothing would calm down the throwing up, they tried many different medications. So they have now tubed through her nose, into her stomach, and are sucking out all the blood from there, rather than having her throw it up. She is also wearing a cathetor to try and measure her output. She is on IV's yet, and her coloring is grey. She is 71, not in the best of health to start with. I am very scared. 2) Our friend Dwight passed away. We got the call on Saturday. He has been ill since just after new years. Three months exactly and he died. We are talking about a strong man, a man that has never smoked, drank, abused his body in any way. He is a husband, a father to five children between I think 8 and 18. He is the godfather to our two children. He loved motor sports. He...

My Mom

At 71 years old my Mom had to have her appendix out. If it wasn't so scary I could have laughed. (In fact I did). You just don't think of seniors having this hit them. I had mine out at 19, my sister had hers out at 15. My Mom waits till she is 71 and in poor health. Glad she is doing so much better. They took her down for surgery at 4:30 pm yesterday and she was back in her room at 9 pm, and was wanting food. That was a great sign. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. After all our Mommies are our mommies. Interesting though I was the one put in charge of notifying family of this. My sister that has not talked to me in years, had her son take my call, and then had to call back for actual info as he gave it to his mom garbled. My Mom has an older brother that has never acknowledged me, I ended up contacting his son, (i know him slightly through work) and asking him to tell his dad. My other sister that does not acknowledge me had to put up with me in Mom's hos...

My Mommy

Yesterday she had woke up early in the morning with severe abdominal pain. It progressed and got worse all day. So last night I took her into the hospital. I couldn't stay long with both kids with me. She called me late last night "higher than a kite", they had given her some good pain drugs, they think it might be appendix, or a fold in the intestine. She will have more tests today and then most likely surgery. I am scared she is my Mom, and not in the best of health. Also our regular doctor is off on six weeks of her own medical leave. The kids are upset, we are all tired, and I am waiting from another call from Mom. This scares me so much.

These are for you Poncho

As your hot time is just fading, our warm time is just starting. A little bit of a melt on March 1. Note how high the water is on the boots. There is enough snow and ice the melted water has no where to go.

New Easter Dress


Jeff Healy - a fantastic musician

Celebrated guitarist Jeff Healey dies of cancer COLIN FREEZE March 3, 2008 TORONTO -- One of Canada's most famous guitar players has died. Jeff Healey, a 41-year-old musician who sold more than a million records in the United States, died yesterday from cancer, a rare form of which took his eyesight as a child. The Torontonian's most famous hits included Angel Eyes, See the Light and a cover of While My Guitar Gently Weeps by the Beatles . "Early last year, Healey underwent surgery to remove cancerous tissue from his legs, and later from both lungs," said a statement posted on the musician's website yesterday. It continued: "aggressive radiation treatments and chemotherapy, however, failed to halt the spread of the disease." The site noted that a rare form of the disease, retinoblastoma, took Mr. Healey's eyesight when he was a baby. "He was a virtuoso guitar player, and they don't come along every five minutes," said Richard Flohil, a...