School Chaos - not sure what to think PART 2
Friday afternoon when I went to pick up Alexis she was very upset. Seems at 2:30, half an hour before school let out for the day, more changes happened. She is back in the basement, in a dedicated grade two class, with a teacher she has never heard of. She is so upset that Mrs. K is not going to be her teacher; she really wanted her. The only saving grace is that Mrs. K. is teaching grade three not two at all. She is also upset the kids she thought were in her class are no longer there. She is upset that the changes happened, why didn't they do it in the first place Mom? Her agenda is no longer any good, and on and on and on. Poor kids, just chaos for them and for the teachers. Apparently the principal (new one ) was surprised at the number of kids that showed up. WTF, you knew how many had registered, generally thats how many show up. ARGGGGGG