Happy Birthday Canada!!!

On July 1st Canada celebrated being 140 years old. Young in the eyes of many nations. SInce it fell on a Sunday most businesses were closed on Monday so we had a long weekend. Due to DH broken wrist he did not have to work. For the 8 years he has worked at his job, he always works Monday to Friday no matter what, so we have NEVER in the last eight years had a long weekend together. So this being a first was very special.

Saturday DD had a birthday party to go to and Grandma took Austin for a little while. So DH and I had some serious adult time together. What do two consenting adults do when they have three hours alone with each other? I think you can guess.

Picked DD up in the vette and went cruising. Made a quick stop at the scrapbook store and the cell rings. DH is like are you OK. Yes, Where are you? ummmmm the scrapbook store. BUSTED. DD was so cute the top is off the car and the windows are rolled down, so she gets out and closes the door on the vette then reaches inside and hits the door locks button. She wanted to make sure it was safe. LOL

Then in the evening sitting on the back deck and just relaxing. One of the few times I totally relaxed in far too long. We start talking about going down to Drumheller the next day. But did not want to mention it to the kids because if I was feeling ill the next day we wouldn't go. I am still recovering from surgery so I have to be careful I don't overdue things. SO Mom calls and I grab the phone in the garage. Ask her if she wants to go to Drumheller the next day. Well little DD comes out of the house with the house phone and the biggest grin on her face. She had heard. BUSTED.

So Drumheller on Sunday, Canada Day, beautiful day, got to see a car show, went to the swinging bridge and the museum, and of course the ferry. Fantastic day. DH makes the discovery that he believes he is the first to realize......"The whole thing with travelling with the kids is to feed them often and give them lots of fluids" well yah........................ It was sweet, he is learning.

Then yesterday I took the kids down to the fountain pool, and unfortunately really burnt myself. Sunscreeen does not seem to help me. And then out to Costco to look for the Puff the Magic Dragon book and CD and could not find it. Waited in line for 20 minutes to get icecreams, get to the front of the line, and they say the ice cream is not working. Ever think about putting up a sign???? I was less than impressed with it.

Hot hot hot, finally, although I guess our 25 compared to 30 in Dallas and 45 in Phoenix is all comparative.

I am feeling much more relaxed, and calm. WHich is very good. Now I just have to get work done. Month end and all that.


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