The flip has been switched

Yesterday no matter where I looked it was green, you have to realize the day before it was not but yesterday it was. The grass is green, the plants are green, and there are little little green leaves on some of the trees. It is just like a flip was switched and now there is color. I personally love it. March 21 may be the first day of spring on the calendar but where I live spring does not hit until May. March can still be very cold and snowy, this April it snowed the whole dang month it seemed, and we even have had snow in May, record rainfal last Thursday and Friday and that has led to this switch being flipped. My island on the river is almost under water. That is scary, flooding hopefully will not take place. But when the snowfall in the mountains melt and come downstream we may be in trouble.
Had to take DD to school early today for her field trip to Edmonton Science Centre, I hope she has fun. I know when I was in grade one we didn't go on a field trip at all let alone one to Edmonton.
My jaw is really hurting and seems off its place for opening and closing which is quite possible after yesterdays appointment.
Mothers Day coming up, I think we will pack up the van and take the family out to the farm to see my 88 year old MIL. The kids have a blast on the farm. This year it seems more about celebrating her and my Mom than it does me. We are not sure just how long either one will be around. It is all about them.
My Mom bought DD and DS a rose on the weekend, the white one opened up so pretty, which is rare for a white rose. And can I just say I want a good camera, I need a good camera, and then I need to learn how to use it.

BETH - the thought swimsuit never entered my mind, I was thinking formal suit, business suit, just not a swim suit. he h eh eh eh

CHEYANNE - Jeff seems to have his act together this year both on the track and off, that baby is due soon isn't it?


Cheyenne said…
I believe Jeff's baby is due in early July. And the question you asked on my site was who is the 3rd team? Well, there are 3 major Hendrick drivers: JJ, JG, and Kyle Busch (who has also won a COT race). 4th driver is Casey Mears who can't seem to do anything.

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